College Mental Health

With our virtual visit option, you don’t even have to leave your dorm room for your appointment.

College is a transformative time filled with both exciting opportunities and unique challenges. Let’s explore some solutions for the common issues you mentioned:

  1. Midterm and Final Examinations Stress:

    • Time Management: Create a study schedule well in advance. Break down your coursework into manageable chunks and allocate specific study times.
    • Practice Tests: Take practice exams to simulate the real testing environment. It helps reduce anxiety and improves performance.
    • Self-Care: Prioritize sleep, exercise, and healthy meals. A well-rested mind performs better.
  2. Uncertainty about Post-Graduation Plans:

    • Career Counseling: Visit your college’s career center. They offer guidance on job searches, resume building, and networking.
    • Internships and Networking: Gain practical experience through internships. Attend career fairs and connect with professionals in your field.
    • Exploration: Explore different career paths. Attend workshops, seminars, and informational interviews.
  3. Homesickness:

    • Stay Connected: Regularly call or video chat with family and friends. Share your experiences and feelings.
    • Create a Home Away from Home: Decorate your living space with familiar items. Establish routines that bring comfort.
    • Meet New People: Engage in campus activities, clubs, and events. Building new connections can ease homesickness.
  4. Social Anxiety:

    • Small Steps: Gradually challenge yourself in social situations. Start with low-pressure interactions.
    • Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques to manage anxiety. Focus on the present moment without judgment.
    • Seek Support: Consider counseling services or support groups on campus.
  5. Perfectionism:

    • Set Realistic Goals: Aim for excellence, but recognize that perfection is unattainable. Embrace progress over perfection.
    • Self-Compassion: Treat yourself kindly. Accept mistakes as part of the learning process.
    • Break Tasks Down: Divide large projects into smaller tasks. Celebrate achievements along the way.
  6. Relationship Issues:

    • Communication: Openly discuss feelings and expectations with your partner. Active listening is key.
    • Boundaries: Set healthy boundaries. Understand each other’s needs for personal space and time.
    • Seek Guidance: If needed, seek couples counseling or individual therapy.

Remember that college is a time of growth, self-discovery, and resilience. Reach out to we are there to support you!